• October Newsletter: The Importance of Daily Dog Walks

    This simple form of exercise could make your dog one happy pup.

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  • Online Games & Quizzes

    In this version of badminton, your tail is the racquet. Make the dolphin do flips and tricks. Play Zipper's Kennel Chaos game! Can you help get water in Zipper's dish? Use your frog tongue to catch delicious bugs. Create your very own prize-winning pooch! Speed down the ice while

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  • Online Pet Pharmacies - Saving Money or Risk to Your Pets?

    Their ads promise to save you lots of money and even "a stressful trip to the veterinarian". You are encouraged by slick video and professional announcers to purchase flea medications, pain relief drugs and even heartworm prevention all from the comfort of your living room and laptop computer. But, are

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  • Oral Health for Felines

    In addition to nutrition and weight management, oral care is another component that plays a part in a cat’s overall health. By lessening plaque buildup and stopping the plaque from forming dental tartar, you can prevent or control periodontal (gum) disease in your cat. Destruction of the teeth, tongue,

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  • Orthopedic

    Cats are curious beings, and that curiosity can lead to injuries that affect their ability to move effortlessly through their environment. Of course, injuries are not the only source that can cause musculoskeletal limitations; sometimes, congenital defects may be the cause of a musculoskeletal problem. Orthopedists

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  • Orthopedic Care for Dogs

    Joint problems plague dogs just as commonly as they do humans. That's why orthopedic care can improve your beloved friend's quality of life. Common Orthopedic Issues A dog's joint problems may result from a variety of orthopedic injuries and illnesses. In some cases, these vulnerabilities are partly

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  • Overweight Pets

    According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), 43% of all dogs and 53% of all cats are classified as overweight. What's worse is that an additional 10% of all dogs and 19% of all cats are considered obese! Therefore, more than half of our dogs and cats are overweight or obese. So, should

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  • PPID in Horses

    Does your older horse have any of these PPID symptoms?

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  • Pain Management in Pets

    Arthritis and chronic pain are not purely human conditions. Dogs and cats feel pain too and arthritis causes long term pain that can affect your their behavior and activity level. Modern veterinary diagnostics and therapies can offer some hope. Pain has many causes. When it happens to your pet friends,

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  • Parasites

    There are many types of parasites that are found in the GI tract of cats and dogs. Worms such as roundworms, whipworms, and hookworms are very common in almost all parts of the world. These parasites shed their infective eggs in the pet's stool and contaminate the environment; some eggs can live on yards

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  • Parrots

    If you’re thinking of adding a feathered friend to your family, you might be surprised at what it takes to care of this type of pet. While parrots are highly intelligent and fun pets, there are a few aspects that make them more difficult to care for than a cat or dog. Here’s what you need to know

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  • Pawty with Your Pet - National Dog Party Day

    Do you have anything planned for National Dog Party Day?

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  • People Food for Pets

    On a low carb diet? Planning on sharing some of those low calorie dessert treats with your canine friends? STOP! That sugar-free snack you think is good for you and your dog could actually send you to the veterinarian The sugar substitute, Xylitol, has been a great development in the fight against

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  • Pet Blood Donors: Helping Other Animals in Need

    Could a selfless act by your pet save another animal's life?

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  • Pet Care During Tough Times

    Studies have repeatedly shown that a large majority of pet owners consider their pets as a family member. We spoil them with birthday parties, presents, and all manner of toys and treats to keep them happy. But, when money is tight, extra expenses need to go. Sadly, some pet owners choose to avoid veterinary

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  • Pet Clothes: A Fashion Statement or a Necessity?

    There is nothing cuter than a pet in a colorful sweater, but do our furry friends really need to wear clothing? Although clothing is not a necessity for every pet, some animals benefit from a little extra protection during cold or damp days. Others enjoy wearing festive clothing during holidays or other

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